Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Well dear readers, it has been a rough couple of weeks at the Varnell-Miller house. Let me first appologize in advance for the lack of holiday cheer. Five years ago, I had a tendon rupture in my right ankle. I had surgery to repair the tendon and that is when the doctor found that the rheumatoid arthritis that I thought had simply disappeared was not longer in remission and was back with a vengance. Subsequent testing showed that I had lupus. Two years later, the tendon in my left ankle went bad and was repaired using a healthy tendon from the top of my foot. We were told that it may not hold. Last Monday, I felt a snap in my left ankle and so now we are waiting for results from additional testing. From x-rays, the doctor is able to discern that arthritis has taken it's toll on the bones and that even if the tendon isn't ruptured - I will probably need bone fusions and ankle implants. In addition. my general health has taken a downhill slide. I am unable to do much of anything other than rest in bed or the recliner. Perfect timing what with the holidays and all. Luckily for me, I have a very helpful husband and Leslieanne (housekeeper) who make things look effortless. I on the other hand feel useless. Luckily for me, I finished my shopping early for my children and this will in no way dampen their holiday spirits. On the bright side, I have oodles of stitching time! I am currently working on "Christmas Tea" by Plum Street Samplers and will post pics soon. I just wanted to let you all know what has been going on with me and wish everyone Holiday Happiness. Take care!
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Holiday Happenings
Well dear friends we are off to Disney again this weekend to admire the lovely decorations and spectacle that they always put on at this time of year. I am hoping that this will boost my spirits as I have had a little trouble getting into the holiday spirit this year. I have about half of my shopping finished and the rest will be accomplished over the internet and here on the island. Thankfully I don't think that I need to go into Jacksonville again - let me tell you it's bazooky (crazy) there - too many people!
I am finished with all of my holiday exchanges, thank goodness! Now I have to start thinking about the two I have in January. I think this year I am going to limit my exchanges and stitch a little more for myself and my family. Not much going on stitching wise. I think that I burned myself out with all of the holiday exchanges in which I participated, so I am taking a bit of a break. I ordered some new stash and hopefully it will be coming in soon. There is one piece in particular that I can't wait to receive called "Christmas Tea" by Plum Street Samplers. I have seen it worked up on a few blogs and I can't wait to get started on it. Not much else going on right now, have a nice weekend friends!
Thursday, November 13, 2008
Heigh Ho Heigh Ho It's Off To Disney We Go!
Well tomorrow is Bonnie's birthday and it looks as if our trip to Disney is still on. Milsey is doing much better and he swears up and down that he will be able to go on our trip. Bonnie is thrilled to say the least. I must admit that I need this mini vacation in the worst way. I have been very mopey for the past month and things (crossed fingers) are starting to look up. Please keep me in your thoughts over the next few days as something very important should happen to make the situation better. Ethan gave Bonnie a diamond Eiffel Tower (she wants to go to Paris for her sixteenth birthday) necklace as an early gift today and she loves it. He was so proud when we purchased it today at the jewelry counter of a local department store. He even carried it into the grocery store when we went to pick up Bonnie's cake so that the necklace would be safe.
As for my stitching rut, I have been working on a pinkeep kit that I purchased from Mary Kathryn over at Handcrafts Online (it's the one with the teacup). Hopefully I will finish stitching on it tonight or tomorrow. Thank you to all of you who left kind comments regarding my rut. You truly encouraged me to pick up my needle again and stitch something just for me!
We are going on a outing tonight to Walmart so that our housekeeper Leslianne can pick up something for Bonnie's birthday. I bought a cake with whipped cream icing and lots of pink roses. Just what the birthday girl requested. Leslianne has made Bonnie's favorite chicken parmesean with angel hair and sugar snap peas. Tomorrow we will have her favorite lunch of tacos and then off to her favorite restaurant for dinner on our way out of town. My mother bought her a pair of earings in her birthstone which is topaz and I am giving her some craft kits, a necklace, a gift certificate for clothes and one from her favorite knitting shop and a dvd. Milsey is giving her the trip to Disney. I think that she will have a nice birthday! Talk more later.
Sunday, November 9, 2008
I'm In A Rut...
I want to stitch. I mean I really really do, but I think that I am in a stitching rut! All I have been doing since May is stitching for exchanges. I haven't stitched a single thing for myself. Okay I did stitch a pyn pillow for me, but I ended up giving it away in another exchange. I need help! I even joined a blog designed for motivation of procrastinators and serial starters. It's not helping. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Trust me when I say that it isn't due to lack of projects. I have soooooooo much stash. If it were a bra, June would definitely be bustin' out all over. I just don't feel like stitching. I have two exchanges due after the start of the year, but I just can't motivate myself to pull out something and work on it. I really am overthinking this aren't I? Help!!!!!!
It's Been A Long Time...
I'm so sorry that it has been so long since I last posted. It's been a rough several weeks at the Varnell-Miller house. Milsey is sick with what we think is pneumonia but in typical male fashion, he will not go to the doctor. Our daughter Bonnie's twelfth birthday is next Friday and we are supposed to attend ABC's Super Soap Weekend at Walt Disney World. I don't know how we are going to do it. Milsey swears that he will be okay, but I wonder. I have been going through a rough patch lately with some family stuff and so it has been downright gloomy around here.
I have finished the six pieces that I needed to stitch for the holiday exchanges that I am in. I am so happy to be finished! Now all I have to do is gather up some goodies to include and mail everything. I wish that I had pictures to show, but everything must be kept a secret for now.
Please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers as we need some good vibes circulating around here. I leave you with a picture of my son the werepire (cross between a werewolf and a vampire) courtesy of my husband's makeup magic.
Sunday, October 26, 2008
Thanks Giselle
Thanks to Giselle Jaquenod, I now have a custom blog. Giselle designed my new blog and I am thrilled with it. Let me know what you think.
I am working on a new Midsummer Night Design freebie that is called "Jingle Sparkle Joy". It is working up very quickly and, thanks to the support over at BeckySC's Let's Stitch blog, I am making some progress. What's even better, is that this is some "me" stitching.. Well it's late so I will say good night. I will post progress pics tomorrow and a "Pickles" update.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Hello World (and some stitchy stuff)
I'm exhausted! I have been up with Pickles since before 7:00 this morning. Hopefully I will have a restful evening and get in some much needed stitching time. I am destined and determined to get this finished by next week's stitch-a-thon over on the Let's Stitch blog. Wish me lots of luck and lots of sleep!
We Bought A Puppy
Well my dear readers, Milsey (my hubby) bought our son Ethan a Chihuahua puppy tonight. We named him Pickles and boy is he adorable. He's settled in the bathroom for the night with Ethan on the floor next to him. I will take pics tomorrow and post for all to see. Ethan has been begging for a pet of any kind for the past few months. Honestly he probably would have accepted a rock as a pet as long as it was his to care for and love. Anyway, my DH-who loves Chihuahuas-caved and bought Pickles tonight for Ethan. I will keep you all posted on "Life With Pickles". He's eleven weeks old and fawn in color. Okay okay I will just post pics tomorrow so you can see for yourselves.
I received a wonderful "Act Of Kindness" today from Carol Ridyard. Again I promise to post pics tomorrow. I joined Becky SC on her "Let's Stitch" blog and am actually stitching something for myself for a change. I will post more on that tomorrow. That's it for me tonight-I feel like I have run a marathon!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Feeling Blucky...
Hi everyone. Just a quick post to let you know that I haven't fallen off of the planet, just haven't been feeling all that great lately. By the way, blucky is my word for not feeling well. It is a cross between blah and yucky. We went to Disney World over the weekend and I was feeling just awful. I rode around on one of those motor scooters which was like a thrill ride in and of itself. I had near misses with about a half dozen children and passersby who seemed to wander in and out of my intended path. I spent a time sleeping in the first aid station while my family tried to salvage the day. The rest of the time was spent hurtling into space on Space Mountain, shooting down the rapids on Splash Mountain, a thirteen-story elevator drop on The Twilight Zone's Tower of Terror and three yes three upside down loops on Rockin' Roller Coaster courtesy of Aerosmith. I have bruises in places that definitly shouldn't be bruised. We generally had a good time and thanks to the season passes that my husband purchased for us, we can go back just about any time we want.
I received some more stash that I will photograph soon and the JCS ornament issue. I found a few that I would like to stich. I think that the Raise the Roof ornie "Walt the Malt" is adorable. Well, I'm off to rest awhile. More soon!
I received some more stash that I will photograph soon and the JCS ornament issue. I found a few that I would like to stich. I think that the Raise the Roof ornie "Walt the Malt" is adorable. Well, I'm off to rest awhile. More soon!
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Better Late Than Never...
I have been fast and furiously stitching over the past week. I finished the stitching for five (yes I said five) exchanges. Anyway, there aren't any pictures because they are all surprises. I will certainly share pics when the exchanges are received. They all really turned out adorable if I say so myself. I hope that my partners think so too!
I have to got to the dentist tomorrow and have a very old filling repaired. I am dreading it so any words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated. I'm off to get some rest and finish watching General Hospital on Soap Net. Ciao!
Tuesday, September 2, 2008
Stash Stash And More Stash
I received tons of stash in the mail today, and I promise promise promise that I will post pictures tomorrow. I also started a different Halloween ornie today as the Prairie Schooler one that I was stitching was soooo not working out for me. I had to stash it in my UFO pile for now. I hate to admit it but I am not a huge Prairie Schooler fan. I like some of their stuff, but not all of it. I have been working on a lot of "committment stitching" - that's what I call stitching for exchanges. I love love love the ornie that I am stitching for a personal Halloween exchange, and I bought everything to do it multiple times. It is working up so nicely and is a very fun stitch.
Tropical storm Hanna is likely to move this way by the end of the week and yes I am totally FREAKING out! One again, we went to the market today to replenish what we used after TS Fay. Let's just pray that the power doesn't go out beacause if it does, the water goes out too. If you read my blog then you know the drill.
Well, I am off to stitch! Ciao!
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Return Exchange Sent
I mailed off my Crazy Exchange return exchange to Ina today. I don't think that she reads my blog so I should be okay with her surprise. I sent seven freebies all kitted up and ready to stitch. Some had overdyed floss and hand-dyed linen. Others had JABC buttons. I also sent a stitched pyn pillow using The Workbasket freebie "Quaker Hedgehog". Along with those goodies, I included three packets of Piecemaker needles in various sizes and some candy-coated chocolate-covered sunflower seeds. I truly hope that she enjoys everything, because I really took into consideration the things that she likes.

I am working on a Prairie Schooler ornament for the HoE exchange that I am in. I might post a pic tonight. I have only just started so a pic won't spoil the surprise. Hopefully I will receive some new stash in the mail next week. I ordered the new LHN and CCN patterns and I can't wait to see them up close and personal. Well that's it from me for now. Might post more later.
I am working on a Prairie Schooler ornament for the HoE exchange that I am in. I might post a pic tonight. I have only just started so a pic won't spoil the surprise. Hopefully I will receive some new stash in the mail next week. I ordered the new LHN and CCN patterns and I can't wait to see them up close and personal. Well that's it from me for now. Might post more later.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Goodies In The Mail...
Last week I received my HoE Summer Quaker exchange from Jayne Nelson. She sent a strawberry pincushion. Included in the package were two pieces of fabric, a needle minder, and some thread rings. Thanks Jayne, I enjoyed everything very much. Unfortunately, I have been unable to post pics sooner due to intermittent power from Tropical Storm Fay.
We fared well considering the flooding and wind damage some of the other parts of Florida received. We have a lot of debris in the yard that needs removing. The lawn service comes this week so hopefully they can clean up what we missed. Thanks to all who left words of encouragement comments on my blog. I was so nervous, but we are all safe and sound and that's what really matters after all. Ciao!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Hurricane Fay This Way Comes!
Hurricane Fay is slated to come within fifty miles of Amelia Island and I am FREAKING OUT! My husband says that we will get the eastern half (which is touted as being the worst part) of the storm. Milsey says the storm is supposed to be coming in as a category 1 maybe 2 storm. Normally, I would simply be worried but I am going out of my mind over this one. Here's why: Last week we had a very minor thunderstorm and the power went out for almost nine hours. We are on well water and the pump is powered electrically. Therefore, we were without water. Over that, I will freak out. Yes we can flush the toilet with pool water and with a little foresight, we can fill up the tubs and buckets and wash up and cook and clean with that water. Roughing it for me is a hotel without room service. I don't camp out and I don't want to start now. I know that I sound snobby but I am so not an outdoorsy person. I am dreading this storm and until it is over, I will have a knot in the pit of my stomach. Any words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated. We spent the day stocking up on lanterns, batteries and water. Tomorrow Leslie Anne and I will grocery shop our little hearts out in preparation for what should happen Tuesday or Wednesday. We have gas appliances and a grill, so the eating portion of the program should be a snap.
My father received his blood tests back late last week and everything seems to be okay. His numbers are low (which is good so I'm told) and therefore he should only need to be retested every year. So I feel that a HUGE weight has been lifted off of my chest for the time being. Thanks again to those who have kept my family in their thoughts and prayers over the last few months.
I went to my LNS on Saturday. And I was so disappointed by their selection. I think that they would much rather be a needlepoint/knitting shop. Cross stitch seems to be an afterthought. I guess I will have to be satisfied with ordering from my favourite ONS. I put in a phone order with them over the weekend, so I should be receiving some goodies in the mail over the next few weeks. Promise promise promise to share pics with all of you. I have been so lax with posts and pictures over the summer, but I am sure that you can understand why. I have just been so preoccupied with the move and my father. Well that's all for me! I will try (power permitting) to keep all of you apprised of what is going on weather-wise with the Varnell-Miller family. Ciao!
My father received his blood tests back late last week and everything seems to be okay. His numbers are low (which is good so I'm told) and therefore he should only need to be retested every year. So I feel that a HUGE weight has been lifted off of my chest for the time being. Thanks again to those who have kept my family in their thoughts and prayers over the last few months.
I went to my LNS on Saturday. And I was so disappointed by their selection. I think that they would much rather be a needlepoint/knitting shop. Cross stitch seems to be an afterthought. I guess I will have to be satisfied with ordering from my favourite ONS. I put in a phone order with them over the weekend, so I should be receiving some goodies in the mail over the next few weeks. Promise promise promise to share pics with all of you. I have been so lax with posts and pictures over the summer, but I am sure that you can understand why. I have just been so preoccupied with the move and my father. Well that's all for me! I will try (power permitting) to keep all of you apprised of what is going on weather-wise with the Varnell-Miller family. Ciao!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Still Here...
Thanks to those who have sent messages asking if I am okay. I am okay and so is my father for the time being. We just received word that the doctor seems to have removed all of the cancer and now we are waiting for some blood tests to come in. For those of you who don't know, my father is a doctor and he practices in Palm Beach. He will be going into semi-retirement and is taking a job with a small practice of other semi-retired doctors in Georgia. He leaves for Georgia after the Labor Day holiday. My mother will stay behind and try to sell their home in Florida.
I have received a ton of stash over the summer, too much to mention. I have been keeping up with all of the new Shepherd's Bush, Lizzie Kate, Country Cottage Needleworks and Little House Needleworks. I have pretty much completed all of my exchange commitments for the summer. I signed up for way too much, but hey it was my first group of exchanges and I was soooo excited. True to form, I have signed up for too many swaps for the fall and Christmas. I like to keep busy, and that I will certainly be come September.
On the home front, all is well in the Miller house. Our live-in Leslie Anne is working out better than expected. We are eating very well and at home 99% of the time. As little as two months ago, we were eating the majority of our meals out. I know that Milsey is thrilled because he HATES to eat out. I on the other hand, LOVE IT! I would eat all of my meals out if I could. It just isn't practical.
School has started at our house, well sort of. We home school our children so we can start when we like. We purchased new Spanish software over the summer and so the children are continuing their language training as we speak. School will be in full swing in the next few weeks.
We have settled into a routine here in Florida. Thanks to some very friendly residents, we have found doctors, dentists, hairstylists, and a nail salon. I have found some nice places to shop and we are generally enjoying ourselves. Well that's about it for me. I promise I will be more consistent with my blogging and keep everyone updated with what's going on around here. Thanks for your patience.
I have received a ton of stash over the summer, too much to mention. I have been keeping up with all of the new Shepherd's Bush, Lizzie Kate, Country Cottage Needleworks and Little House Needleworks. I have pretty much completed all of my exchange commitments for the summer. I signed up for way too much, but hey it was my first group of exchanges and I was soooo excited. True to form, I have signed up for too many swaps for the fall and Christmas. I like to keep busy, and that I will certainly be come September.
On the home front, all is well in the Miller house. Our live-in Leslie Anne is working out better than expected. We are eating very well and at home 99% of the time. As little as two months ago, we were eating the majority of our meals out. I know that Milsey is thrilled because he HATES to eat out. I on the other hand, LOVE IT! I would eat all of my meals out if I could. It just isn't practical.
School has started at our house, well sort of. We home school our children so we can start when we like. We purchased new Spanish software over the summer and so the children are continuing their language training as we speak. School will be in full swing in the next few weeks.
We have settled into a routine here in Florida. Thanks to some very friendly residents, we have found doctors, dentists, hairstylists, and a nail salon. I have found some nice places to shop and we are generally enjoying ourselves. Well that's about it for me. I promise I will be more consistent with my blogging and keep everyone updated with what's going on around here. Thanks for your patience.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Home Sweet Home
We just arrived home from Orlando. My father made it through the surgery with flying colours. Now the hard part - we have to wait for five days until the pathology results come back as to whether the cancer has spread or if they removed it all when the doctor removed the prostate. My mother is a wreck, she thought that once the surgery was over then they were in the clear. Please keep my father in your prayers. If the results come back that the cancer has spread, then he will have to undergo chemotherapy and possibly radiation treatment. My heart is very heavy right now. I can't imagine my life without my father. More importantly, I think that my mother would be heartbroken without him.
As for stitching, well I stitched on the trip down to Orlando but I haven't worked on anything else. My heart is not in it. Milsey says that perhaps it would make me feel better, but somehow I don't think so. Maybe tonight while I immerse myself in Big Brother 10 and General Hospital. We shall see. Talk more later.
As for stitching, well I stitched on the trip down to Orlando but I haven't worked on anything else. My heart is not in it. Milsey says that perhaps it would make me feel better, but somehow I don't think so. Maybe tonight while I immerse myself in Big Brother 10 and General Hospital. We shall see. Talk more later.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
I'm Alive
Sorry that I haven't posted in some time. I have been really busy over the past few weeks. First off, we are going to Orlando on Monday with my parents in order for my father to have surgery to remove the cancerous prostate that was discovered a few months ago. My husband knew that I was nervous for my father and thought that my mother could use a shoulder to lean on during his hospital stay. I can tell that he is nervous, but I think that spending time with the children will lift his spirits and help to calm his nerves.
We FINALLY found a live-in. Her name is Leslie Anne and so far everything is working out just fine. She is an amazing cook and a very hard worker. My house is clean and we are eating better than we have in a very long time. Cross your fingers that this situation will work out.
On the stitching front. I have participated in and received several exchanges over the past few weeks. I was in a HoE LHN exchange with Paula Crossen. She tells me that she likes the pinkeep that I sent along with a pattern from her wish list and a few other goodies. She sent me a lovely pinkeep, journal, pins for finishing and a few other treats. Thanks Paula, I love everything! Next up was the Chatty Stitcher's Exchangers' Christmas in July exchange. My partner was Florence Edmonds. She sent some stitching and non-stitching items including a few snowmen which I added to my collection. Thanks Florence, I appreciate everything. I finished gathering some goodies for Florence's return package. I hope that she enjoys everything. I have been rather scatter-brained lately, and I accidentally sent an exchange to the wrong person. Anyway, Florence will have received two packages by the time all is said and done. I was in a Stitching Lottery, and everyone stitched something and a name was drawn and that person received all of the finished items. I sent a Shepherd's Bush pinkeep, homemade lotion and soap, and Mary Englebreit sticky notes. I haven't heard if the winner has received her package, but I hope that everything that I sent arrived safely. I am working on my HoE Summer Quaker Exchange due in August. I made two of the same design so I could have one too. I will post some pictures of all of the mentioned exchanges when my life finally settles down.
My children went to the Fernandina Airport today and had the chance to participate with the Young Eagles program. Pilots took them up in their small planes for a chance to see the island and experience flying. The children wore headsets and Ethan's pilot actually let him fly the plane for a short time. They had a ball and when they turn twelve, they can take flying lessons if they want to give it a try.Well that's it for me tonight. I will post pictures of my exchanges and some of the children and the airplanes that they flew in today. Goodnight all!
We FINALLY found a live-in. Her name is Leslie Anne and so far everything is working out just fine. She is an amazing cook and a very hard worker. My house is clean and we are eating better than we have in a very long time. Cross your fingers that this situation will work out.
On the stitching front. I have participated in and received several exchanges over the past few weeks. I was in a HoE LHN exchange with Paula Crossen. She tells me that she likes the pinkeep that I sent along with a pattern from her wish list and a few other goodies. She sent me a lovely pinkeep, journal, pins for finishing and a few other treats. Thanks Paula, I love everything! Next up was the Chatty Stitcher's Exchangers' Christmas in July exchange. My partner was Florence Edmonds. She sent some stitching and non-stitching items including a few snowmen which I added to my collection. Thanks Florence, I appreciate everything. I finished gathering some goodies for Florence's return package. I hope that she enjoys everything. I have been rather scatter-brained lately, and I accidentally sent an exchange to the wrong person. Anyway, Florence will have received two packages by the time all is said and done. I was in a Stitching Lottery, and everyone stitched something and a name was drawn and that person received all of the finished items. I sent a Shepherd's Bush pinkeep, homemade lotion and soap, and Mary Englebreit sticky notes. I haven't heard if the winner has received her package, but I hope that everything that I sent arrived safely. I am working on my HoE Summer Quaker Exchange due in August. I made two of the same design so I could have one too. I will post some pictures of all of the mentioned exchanges when my life finally settles down.
My children went to the Fernandina Airport today and had the chance to participate with the Young Eagles program. Pilots took them up in their small planes for a chance to see the island and experience flying. The children wore headsets and Ethan's pilot actually let him fly the plane for a short time. They had a ball and when they turn twelve, they can take flying lessons if they want to give it a try.Well that's it for me tonight. I will post pictures of my exchanges and some of the children and the airplanes that they flew in today. Goodnight all!
Monday, June 30, 2008
Ornament Exchange
I sent out my HoE LHN exchange today. Our partners are a secret, so I will have to wait until she receives her package before I can post anything else on the subject. I have to send out my ornie for the Xmas Ornament Exchange tomorrow. I think that my ornament turned out just adorable. I really hope that my partner likes it too.
We had someone come to interview for the live-in position today. She wanted almost twice what we were offering as a salary. Sometimes I think that some people don't even take into account the fact that we are offering full room and board - including all expenses - in addition to the salary. I don't think that I would have the nerve to ask for a HUGE salary on top of that. Oh well, that's just me. We have someone else coming on Thursday who seems to be a bit more reasonable when it comes to the terms of the position. Keep your fingers crossed that we all like each other. I'm off to stitch for awhile.
Wednesday, June 25, 2008
Fair And Square Exchange
I received my Fair and Square squares from my partner Brenda on Saturday. I have been nursing a cold so it has taken a little more time than usual for me to post pictures. She sent a beaded scissor fob that says "hope" at the bottom, a Lizzie Kate pattern entitled "Good Things" and a skein of The Dye Is Cast overdyed floss in the shade Grape Frost. I love all of the treats that she sent. I sent her package out on Monday and am waiting to hear what she thinks of her squares and goodies.
This picture is of the squares that she stitched for me. I think that I am going to make a quilt or a wall hanging out of the squares that I collect from this and future exchanges. I adore everything, thanks Brenda!
We are still on the hunt for a live-in housekeeper/cook. I know that the right person is out there somewhere. Until then, I am wearing myself out trying to take care of everything by myself. I cooked a big meal tonight, which is rare for me because I can't stand in the kitchen for very long. I went and had my hair cut today and a manicure/pedicure. The people at the salon were so friendly and offered a lot of suggestions for places to visit, activities for the 4th of July, and doctors and such. I can't get over how different people are here. Everyone says hello to everyone, and people are just so darn friendly. I love it! On the stitching front, I have to get moving on my HoE Summer Quaker Exchange. I have just the design to stitch picked out, at least I think that I do. I have it narrowed down to two patterns, I just need to make up my mind and soon. My parents came to Jacksonville last weekend, and so, after we had the tires replaced on the van, we spent the rest of the evening with my mother. My father had some business to attend to, and so we ate dinner with my mother alone. They will come out to see the house when we are finished with the decorating. Well, I am tired so I will write more later. Goodnight all.
Thursday, June 19, 2008
First Biscornu Exchange And The New House
Thursday, June 12, 2008
Biscornu Exchange

We are finally here in Florida and I have to tell you that I am completely worn out. I am slowly progressing on unpacking, but the previous owner left everything really untidy so I am having to clean before I can put things away. The children are having a ball swimming everyday and they played on the beach for the first time since Ethan was a baby. I can tell that I am going to enjoy having such a big house. We are purchasing all new furniture except for the master bedroom and dd's room. I am so excited! I think that my husband is even going to get a flat screen television for the living room. The housekeeper's quarters are really nice and are very roomy. We are still on the hunt for a housekeeper/cook to live with us.
On the stitching front, I have not picked up a needle since we moved last week. I have to get stitching otherwise I will be late for Fair and Square. Well I have to get some rest so that I can continue unpacking tomorrow. Write more later!
Friday, June 6, 2008
We Did It!!
Well we moved today! It was sooooo much work and we had a bumpy day, but we did it. We were not able to get everything into the truck, so we gave a few non-essential items away. It took the movers almost ten hours to get everything loaded and with only inches to spare, we left Harrisburg at just after 8:00 this evening. We decided to stop only a few miles down the road and will do the bulk of the driving tomorrow. My feet are so sore and we are all exhausted, so this will be a short post. Not much stitching going on around here. Hopefully I will get some in tomorrow when we stop for the night. Thanks to all who have left kind comments concerning my father's health and safe wishes for our trip.
Wednesday, June 4, 2008
Last Days
Hello dear friends! I wanted to let everyone know that my father's cancer is operable. He will have surgery soon to remove the affected area. From what I understand he will NOT have to undergo chemotherapy. If the cancer should re-occur, he will have radiation therapy. The prognosis is very good.
Tomorrow is our last full day in Pennsylvania before our move on Friday. I worked my you-know-what off today finishing the final packing. I have to do the laundry tomorrow and then pack some lamps and the printer and then I will be finished!
On the stitching front, I am working on my squares for round #7 of Fair and Square. Hopefully I will have enough time over the weekend to finish everything. I hope the lighting in the hotels is sufficient because I already packed my OTT light and I have absolutely no idea where it is! Once I am finished with the exchanges that I am participating in, I will probably not sign up for so many. I have been going crazy will all of the work it takes to fulfill the exchanges. Don't get me wrong, I love giving and receiving - but with the move, I have been going bazooky.
I am taking my computer on the road, so I will probably be able to check my mail and blog a little while in the hotels. If I can't, I will write when I get to F L O R I D A!!!
Tomorrow is our last full day in Pennsylvania before our move on Friday. I worked my you-know-what off today finishing the final packing. I have to do the laundry tomorrow and then pack some lamps and the printer and then I will be finished!
On the stitching front, I am working on my squares for round #7 of Fair and Square. Hopefully I will have enough time over the weekend to finish everything. I hope the lighting in the hotels is sufficient because I already packed my OTT light and I have absolutely no idea where it is! Once I am finished with the exchanges that I am participating in, I will probably not sign up for so many. I have been going crazy will all of the work it takes to fulfill the exchanges. Don't get me wrong, I love giving and receiving - but with the move, I have been going bazooky.
I am taking my computer on the road, so I will probably be able to check my mail and blog a little while in the hotels. If I can't, I will write when I get to F L O R I D A!!!
Sunday, June 1, 2008
The Home Stretch
There are only four more days until we move to Florida! Tomorrow we will pack Milsey's office and then all we have to do is wrap up any loose ends. Milsey says that there are items in each room that have somehow missed being packed into boxes, so we will have to go from room to room and pack any stray items.
I've had some bad news tonight, My father has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He will go to a specialist tomorrow so that he can learn of his prognosis. My mother is really worried and frankly I don't know how to feel. He doesn't know that I know, and so I will wait for him to tell me in his own time. Luckily with this move, we will be closer to my parents, and hopefully we will all be able to spend more time with them. Dear friends, please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.
Tomorrow I will start on my Fair and Square squares for round #7. I must say that I don't feel much like stitching, but it has always been my solace in times of trouble. Perhaps my stitching will bring me some much needed comfort. Please accept my apologies for the somber tone of this post, but as this blog is a journal of sorts, I thought it only fitting that I should share even the low times in my life. I will keep you posted on any updates concerning my father's health. Thank you for your time.
I've had some bad news tonight, My father has been diagnosed with prostate cancer. He will go to a specialist tomorrow so that he can learn of his prognosis. My mother is really worried and frankly I don't know how to feel. He doesn't know that I know, and so I will wait for him to tell me in his own time. Luckily with this move, we will be closer to my parents, and hopefully we will all be able to spend more time with them. Dear friends, please keep my family in your thoughts and prayers.
Tomorrow I will start on my Fair and Square squares for round #7. I must say that I don't feel much like stitching, but it has always been my solace in times of trouble. Perhaps my stitching will bring me some much needed comfort. Please accept my apologies for the somber tone of this post, but as this blog is a journal of sorts, I thought it only fitting that I should share even the low times in my life. I will keep you posted on any updates concerning my father's health. Thank you for your time.
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Hello Friends!
I sent out my CSE (Chatty Stitching Exchangers) kitted up freebie out today. I haven't heard from my partner. I hope that she's okay and I am looking forward to seeing what she sends for me. Perhaps my package will brighten her day. I chose the freebie "Scatter Sunshine" by Shepherd's Bush. I had to include everything needed to stitch the project. Floss, fabric, embellishments, pattern and needle. I forgot the needle, but I am sure she has one of those. I also included the fabric so that she could turn it into a darling little pillow. I hope she likes it. I have the pattern and I love it. Next month's theme is patriotic. I found an adorable freebie over the weekend, and I think that I will use that one. Not much stitching going on around here. Can I be frank with you? I packed everything, and I can't find a thing to stitch. I also packed all of the dishes, cups and utensils. So we have to eat out - sooooo sad! There are only eight days until the BIG day. I have to finish packing the kitchen tomorrow, and then all that is left is Milsey's office space. I am so excited to go, can you tell? Well, I have a busy day ahead of me tomorrow - more packing, errands in the afternoon and then I am getting my last haircut before I leave. I talked to DD's prospective voice teacher today and she said that there is so much for children to do on the island. She also said that she would be happy to help me find things like a hairdresser, grocery store, etc. when we arrive. Well I'm off to bed, write more later!
Saturday, May 24, 2008
Saturday Night...
I don't have any pictures to share because everything that I'm working on other than the SAL is for an exchange. My two pinkeeps and the biscornu turned out just precious. I can't wait to see how my exchange partners like their treasures. I have to get on my squares for round 7 in the Fair and Square exchange group. I talked to my partner and she wants a cottage with flowers, so I have picked what I think is the perfect pattern. Hopefully she will like it too. After that I have the HoE Summer Quaker exchange to get started stitching. I can't decide what to do, so I guess I will do a little browsing around the web and see what I can find. I'm actually not all that fond of the traditional Quaker patterns that I have seen out there. I do love the animal patterns from The Workbasket.
Anyway, it's Saturday night and I am watching "The Wedding Date" for about the millionth time. I love it so and the music - well it's Michael Buble - enough said! We went to the post office today so that I could send off the supplies to my mother so that she can join in on the Thursday SAL with me. I thought that she might enjoy having something to look forward to every week now that she is retired from the flower business. We then went to Costco for fillet mignon and a watermelon for our cook-out tomorrow and Monday. We need to get special boxes to pack the dishes next week, so hopefully I can get Milsey (DH) to go to U-Haul and pick up the last few packing items that we will need for the move. I want to say thanks to all of you who have put up with my incessant ramblings on this move. I have only this blog for my rants on this topic. Oh well, it will be over in a few weeks, so please bear with me. Okay, well it's after midnight now, and I should be heading for bed. Write more later!
Anyway, it's Saturday night and I am watching "The Wedding Date" for about the millionth time. I love it so and the music - well it's Michael Buble - enough said! We went to the post office today so that I could send off the supplies to my mother so that she can join in on the Thursday SAL with me. I thought that she might enjoy having something to look forward to every week now that she is retired from the flower business. We then went to Costco for fillet mignon and a watermelon for our cook-out tomorrow and Monday. We need to get special boxes to pack the dishes next week, so hopefully I can get Milsey (DH) to go to U-Haul and pick up the last few packing items that we will need for the move. I want to say thanks to all of you who have put up with my incessant ramblings on this move. I have only this blog for my rants on this topic. Oh well, it will be over in a few weeks, so please bear with me. Okay, well it's after midnight now, and I should be heading for bed. Write more later!
Thursday, May 22, 2008
My First SAL And Two Weeks!
I joined in on my firs SAL today with BeckySC and Vonna and some other very talented ladies. The piece that we are stitching together is called "Happy Home Sampler" designed by Linda Bird and it is featured in the July 2008 Cross-Stitch and Needlework magazine. I didn't get to start today, so I don't have any pictures to share with you. My supplies will come in the mail next week, so I will be able to begin stitching then. I am so excited to get to know others who stitch through a project like this one. I think that this piece will be a delightful addition to my new home in Florida!
As of tomorrow we have exactly two weeks until the BIG day! Next week Lisa (our housekeeper) and I will start working on the kitchen and Milsey's office space. Hopefully we can get them finished in a few days. I am feeling a little under the weather today, so we didn't get but two boxes packed today. We went through the house packing up the items that had somehow not made it into boxes. I am taking DS Ethan on a date tomorrow to the used bookstore to use his Christmas gift certificate. After I am going to take him to Friendly's for lunch. Well I am off to get some much needed rest. Write more later!
As of tomorrow we have exactly two weeks until the BIG day! Next week Lisa (our housekeeper) and I will start working on the kitchen and Milsey's office space. Hopefully we can get them finished in a few days. I am feeling a little under the weather today, so we didn't get but two boxes packed today. We went through the house packing up the items that had somehow not made it into boxes. I am taking DS Ethan on a date tomorrow to the used bookstore to use his Christmas gift certificate. After I am going to take him to Friendly's for lunch. Well I am off to get some much needed rest. Write more later!
Monday, May 19, 2008
New Sweet Treat And 18 Days!
The new block for Country Cottage Needleworks' "Sweet Treats" came in the mail today. This month's block is called "Ice Cream". I really need to get working on this piece, but I am trying not to start anything BIG before the move. I finished the first round of pieces for my May/June exchanges. I have now started working on the July/August ones. I am currently stitching an ornament for an ornament exchange. The only problem is that I accidentally packed one of the flosses that I need to finish it. I am going to try to find it tonight! We officially have 18 days until the big move and my house is completely in boxes. We finished the storage room today and now all that's left is the kitchen and Milsey's office space (but I will leave that up to him). Milsey is looking to purchase a car, and so we went to sit in a VW Bug tonight before dinner. We all fit in it, but it was a little like fitting a bunch of clowns into a car-ha ha! We might get something when we move, but I am sure that we will wait because we don't want to put all those move miles on a car. Well I haven't felt all that great for the past few days, and Bonnie and I are going to drive to The Mannings tomorrow. The Mannings is a spinning/weaving/knitting shop about an hour away. I gave Bonnie a gift certificate for Christmas, and now we have to use it before we move. There is a little diner close by, so I promised to take her there for lunch. For those of you who don't know me, Bonnie is eleven and is a very experienced knitter. She knits socks, sweaters and just about anything that she can get her hands on these days. I promised her a set of interchangeable, circular needles and some kid mohair and cotton yarn for a sweater that she wants to knit for herself. We will see what other "treasures" we come home with! Well, that's it for me tonight. More later!
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Busy, Busy
I have been very busy over the past few days. I have finished packing except for the kitchen and our storage area. I am so proud of myself for really being ahead of the game. Milsey says that soon we will all just sit around and stare at each other because I have packed everything and there is nothing to do! Oh well, I would rather be too early than too late. I also finished most of the stitching projects that I had lined up for summer exchanges. I need to stitch one ornament, and then I am finished for now. I was really getting worried that I had bitten off more than I could chew. I was so excited to join these groups, I signed up for eight (yes I said eight) exchanges. I can't wait to see all of the beautiful smalls that I receive from my partners. I am sending some of the items to a friend to be finished, because I have so much to do with the move and all.
Our building had a picnic at the ball field tonight, and we were treated to a baseball game after. Ethan was chosen to be the "Play Ball Kid" which means that at the beginning of the game he yelled "play ball" to start the game. I sure am going to miss having a baseball team close to us when we move to Florida. I don't think that there are any major or minor league teams close to where we will be living. Ethan and Milsey love baseball and Bonnie and I take our stitching and knitting projects to work on while we watch the game.
Well, I am going to start packing the storage room tomorrow. It will probably take me two to three days to get it all sorted out, and then I will wait a week and work on the kitchen. We officially have three weeks until the BIG day. I packed all of my stitching, so I will have to open a box if I want to start working on something. The new LHN/CCN charts come out at the end of next week, so perhaps I will have to get those to work on. Oh wait, I'm on a stash diet. Hmmm, what to do, what to do!
Our building had a picnic at the ball field tonight, and we were treated to a baseball game after. Ethan was chosen to be the "Play Ball Kid" which means that at the beginning of the game he yelled "play ball" to start the game. I sure am going to miss having a baseball team close to us when we move to Florida. I don't think that there are any major or minor league teams close to where we will be living. Ethan and Milsey love baseball and Bonnie and I take our stitching and knitting projects to work on while we watch the game.
Well, I am going to start packing the storage room tomorrow. It will probably take me two to three days to get it all sorted out, and then I will wait a week and work on the kitchen. We officially have three weeks until the BIG day. I packed all of my stitching, so I will have to open a box if I want to start working on something. The new LHN/CCN charts come out at the end of next week, so perhaps I will have to get those to work on. Oh wait, I'm on a stash diet. Hmmm, what to do, what to do!
Posted by
5/15/2008 12:30:00 AM
Monday, May 12, 2008
Biscornu Finish
I finished stitching my first biscornu today, and I must say that I think that it is just lovely. I used variegated silks and it turned out better than I expected. I want to do Barbara Ana's "Spring Biscornu", but I will have to order fabric from Sassy's Fabbys in order to get the desired effect. That's just fine with me because their fabrics are gorgeous. I stared working on the LHN piece that I am doing for my HoE exchange. I know that you are supposed to work 2 over 2 on 32 count fabric, but my stitches looked so bunchy - so I am stitching with only one strand of floss. Hopefully my partner won't mind. I am such a perfectionist and I wanted it to look perfect.
I finished packing Ethan's room last night and I am very proud of the progress that I am making. I spent most of Saturday and Sunday stitching and watching movies with dd. Almost all of the channels that we watch were having Mother's Day marathons, so the selection was fabulous. Milsey had to work all weekend, so we will have our Mother's Day celebration next week sometime. Well it's late and I can catch a couple of hours of sleep before the day gets underway. Goodnight!
I finished packing Ethan's room last night and I am very proud of the progress that I am making. I spent most of Saturday and Sunday stitching and watching movies with dd. Almost all of the channels that we watch were having Mother's Day marathons, so the selection was fabulous. Milsey had to work all weekend, so we will have our Mother's Day celebration next week sometime. Well it's late and I can catch a couple of hours of sleep before the day gets underway. Goodnight!
Posted by
5/12/2008 04:38:00 AM
Barbara Ana Designs,
Sunday, May 11, 2008
My First Biscornu
Well, I made quite a mess with my first try on the fabric that I dyed myself. I just wasn't happy with it. My stitches look messy anymore - does anyone else have this problem? Anyway, I started another one with variegated silk and I am very happy with what I have so far. I have finished the top, and am now on to the bottom portion.
We now officially have 25 days until the BIG move. I have finished packing Bonnie's bedroom, the living room (75% finished) and a closet. Lisa and I will start on Ethan's room next week and then on to the master bedroom/stash room. I am dreading it!
Milsey's gradmother is very sick and is in the hospital with several blood clots in her lungs. Milsey doesn't think that she will make it much longer. I know that this is sad. but she is in so much pain from other problems and she says that she is ready to die. I hate seeing her in such pain and even though watching this is hard on all of us, she will be happier when she is at rest with the Lord. Please keep her in your prayers. Well I'm off to bed. Happy Mother's Day to everyone!
We now officially have 25 days until the BIG move. I have finished packing Bonnie's bedroom, the living room (75% finished) and a closet. Lisa and I will start on Ethan's room next week and then on to the master bedroom/stash room. I am dreading it!
Milsey's gradmother is very sick and is in the hospital with several blood clots in her lungs. Milsey doesn't think that she will make it much longer. I know that this is sad. but she is in so much pain from other problems and she says that she is ready to die. I hate seeing her in such pain and even though watching this is hard on all of us, she will be happier when she is at rest with the Lord. Please keep her in your prayers. Well I'm off to bed. Happy Mother's Day to everyone!
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Up All Night... Again
Well it's 3 am and I am up again. Actually, I never went to sleep. I am so anxious about our move and it's keeping me up. Milsey is worried that we won't have enough room in the truck, and I'm worried that I won't finish packing in time. Meanwhile, I have a biscornu to work on and I can't seem to get motivated to do it. It's a really cute pattern and it's my first biscornu, I just can't seem to get excited about it. Don't get me wrong, I am very excited to see how it turns out - I just can't seem to get bitten by the stitching bug. I hand dyed the fabric and everything, so it's a work from the heart for sure. I just guess that I have so much on my mind lately with the move and all. It's so stressful to move. When we moved to Pennsylvania five years ago, Milsey did all the packing while I watched the children. Now I am doing the packing and I am tired of it already. Oh well, I thought that I would vent for awhile. Hopefully I can get some sleep, because Lisa is coming at eleven so that we can do some more packing. I am sure that everyone goes through this when they move. I am hoping that because we are starting to prepare so early, everything will go as planned. As for the stitching, I will try again tomorrow afternoon and see what happens. Wish me luck, I need it!
Wednesday, May 7, 2008
28 Days And Counting!
I also received a wooden ruler/thread keep, Just Nan "Over The Top" and "In The Tin", Little House Needleworks' "Needlework School" and "Garden Pleasures", JBW Designs' "Baseball", "Princess" and "A Very Merry Christmas", JBW pillows for finishing, 32 count Natural Belfast linen, 28 count Cream Cashel linen, 32 count Lambswool linen, and a wooden tape measure from Sajou. Quite a lot of stash. But that's it for me. I am now on my stash diet until we move. I hope I can make it!
I started on a biscornu for my ILCS (I Love Cross Stitch) group biscornu exchange. It's a secret so I can't give any information about it. I will tell you this, the fabric the I dyed myself, came out a pretty mint green. I am using this for the exchange. I hope that my partner will really like it.
Lisa (our housekeeper) and I started packing up DD's room yesterday and are a little over half finished. We spend about an hour a day packing, and hopefully we will finish by the first week of June. I have been using plastic Rubbermaid bins so far, but tonight Milsey is taking me to get cardboard boxes/tape/bubble wrap/newsprint at the moving store. I hope to finish Bonnie's (DD) room by Friday and then move on and finish Ethan's (DS) room by the middle of next week. I have found some things to give away to Goodwill, and I am sure that I will have a carload of donations by the time we are finished packing. As of tomorrow, we will have four weeks until we move - that's 28 days and counting folks! Okay well, we are off to buy boxes. Ciao!
Posted by
5/07/2008 04:33:00 PM
Barbara Ana Designs,
Just Nan,
Little House Needleworks,
Monday, May 5, 2008
Hooked On Exchanging/Fabric Dyeing
I just received an e-mail from Carol that I was accepted into HoE. I am so excited, I have been so anxious to get accepted into this group. I've seen pictures of the lovely exchanges that their members produce, and I have been so jealous. Well anyway, I'm in and I am thrilled.
With the help of Nicole, over at Carolina Dreams, I dyed my first piece of linen tonight. I was extra fidgety with it and I don't think that I left it in long enough, but we shall see when it is dry tomorrow. I can always redo it and leave it in longer. I will post pictures tomorrow. That's it from me! Write more later.
With the help of Nicole, over at Carolina Dreams, I dyed my first piece of linen tonight. I was extra fidgety with it and I don't think that I left it in long enough, but we shall see when it is dry tomorrow. I can always redo it and leave it in longer. I will post pictures tomorrow. That's it from me! Write more later.
Stash and 31 Days!
And now, the 31 days part. The countdown is on! There are 31 days until we move to Florida. For those of you who don't know me, my family is moving to Fernandina Beach,(Amelia Island) Florida the first week of June. Currently, we live in a high-rise apartment/condominium building in Harrisburg, Pennsylvania. There isn't any room for our two children to play and the only children in the building are babies. We are moving to a beach house with a pool and a very big backyard. There are a lot of children in the neighborhood, and the home schooling laws are less stringent than here in Pennsylvania. My husband, the computer guru, works from home and so we can go anywhere we want as long as we have an internet connection. We will be closer to my family and all-in-all this move will be good for all of us. The fact that we are moving finally sank in today when we started packing our first box. We have a lot of stuff, but luckily we are moving from a three-bedroom condo to a five bedroom house - so we will have the room to spread out. Okay well that's it from me. I am just so excited to go - can you tell?
Posted by
5/05/2008 12:31:00 PM
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Busy Weekend For Me...
And that means that there isn't much stitching going on around here. First of all, I am spending more time blogging and reading Yahoo BB emails than I am stitching. I know that I said that I needed to find a balance, but that hasn't happened yet. DD has her final piano/voice recital tomorrow, and so we spent Saturday morning at rehearsals. Milsey took me shopping for some more summer clothes today. Next week I will purchase some new sandals and then, I think other than a new bathing suit and a couple of pairs of shorts, I will be all set for Florida. My Mother went to her LNS today and picked up some of the items that I ordered from the Online Needlework Show. Everything will be here sometime next week and I will post photos then. I have been wanting to get a bread machine, and so after much searching, I found what I want and will probably order one next week or the week after. We would really like to have fresh bread every day, and a bread maker will make that easier. Tomorrow is the BIG recital, and we have to go to the florist to pick-up the flowers that I ordered for DD. She's nervous, and I don't want a repeat of what happened in the fall. Here's the scoop: she stood up to sing and I could tell by the expression on her face that she was not a happy camper. Anyway, she froze and burst into tears. Her teacher has been inviting her to sing since then at mini recitals in order to build up her confidence. Hopefully, she will be okay.
I have a few packages of stash coming in the mail next week, and then I am on a bit of a stash diet until we move the first week of June. Milsey says that he is only taking what we have in the house now, and nothing more. Lord help me, but I will tighten my belt just this once. I am going to make an end-of-the-month plea for the new LHN and CCN designs so stay tuned for more information. That's it for me for now, write more later!
I have a few packages of stash coming in the mail next week, and then I am on a bit of a stash diet until we move the first week of June. Milsey says that he is only taking what we have in the house now, and nothing more. Lord help me, but I will tighten my belt just this once. I am going to make an end-of-the-month plea for the new LHN and CCN designs so stay tuned for more information. That's it for me for now, write more later!
Thursday, May 1, 2008
New Stash Thursday
Milsey went out for take-out today and came home with tickets for the Iron Man movie tonight. DS is thrilled to no end because he is a faithful reader of the comic books. Anyway, we will go out for BBQ tonight and then see the movie after we eat. Not much going on around here, we told our housekeeper that we will be moving in June and she was thrilled for us. She may even go with us to help us get settled into the new house. That will give us time to find someone who will live-in as housekeeper/nanny/cook. Hopefully my health will improve and I can help out a little more around the house. Well, I guess that's it for now. Write more later!
Tuesday, April 29, 2008
My first swap!
Both of my tea swap partners received their packages and so I can now post pictures. Thanks Jessica for the pics. I stitched this piece twice ! They both seemed pleased with the results.

The swap moderator stated that we should swap a handmade tea-themed item and five teas. If you know me, I always go WAY overboard. I swapped a stitched and framed (by me!) piece, eight loose teas (from three different tea shops), colored rock sugar and a honey bear to sweeten the tea. Oh well, I had a good time collecting everything to send to my partners. Not bad for my first swap!
Lizzie Kate "Official Tea Lover"
Fabric: 27 ct. Tea Northern Cross linen
Threads: WDW and GAST
Started: 4/16/08 - Finished: 4/19/08 (x2)
Fabric: 27 ct. Tea Northern Cross linen
Threads: WDW and GAST
Started: 4/16/08 - Finished: 4/19/08 (x2)
The swap moderator stated that we should swap a handmade tea-themed item and five teas. If you know me, I always go WAY overboard. I swapped a stitched and framed (by me!) piece, eight loose teas (from three different tea shops), colored rock sugar and a honey bear to sweeten the tea. Oh well, I had a good time collecting everything to send to my partners. Not bad for my first swap!
Monday, April 28, 2008
Monday, Monday...
I ditched "Lovebird" because frankly it was driving me bazooky. I am going to sort through my stash and find a different piece of fabric and work on it later. I received this in the mail today and had to start it. It's "USA Squared" by Lizzie Kate and I think that it is adorable. Here's my progress so far (5 minutes worth of stitching)!
I received a little more stash in the mail today. Part two in the Lizzie Kate Sweet Tooth Boxer series, it's called "Pie". Lizzie Kate's Double Flips "Encourage & Laugh" and "Create & Live". A new Snippet by Lizzie Kate entitled "Housework Never Killed Anyone" and a piece of 28 count Ivory Lugana for an old Diane Williams' chart.
As promised, here are pics of La D Da's "Miss Mary Mack", this is only the front panel because I am going to change things up and play around with the pattern a little. I had some mishaps with the back portion, so I will post more when I get working on it. Two posts in one day, that's a lot for me! I will probably post more later, but for now I'm off to take DD to her final piano/voice lesson before next Sunday's recital. TTFN (ta ta for now)!
Up All Night
There used to be a program on the USA channel called "Up All Night". The hosts were Rhonda Shear on one night and Gilbert Gottfried on the other night. Anyway, they showed really cheesy movies on Friday and Saturday nights. I used to sit up on the weekends while I was in college and watch until I could barely keep my eyes open. Well, I can't sleep and so I was surfing through the channels on television and I remembered my college days. DH, DD, and DS are all sleeping, and once again I'm "Up All Night". I don't feel much like stitching and there is absolutely nothing on tv at this hour except for infomercials for completely useless items which every insomniac needs. I've been working on a list of cute charts that I've seen on other people's blogs that I just have to have. If you would have told me a month ago that I would have a blog and spend more time on-line than stitching, I would have told you that you were bazooky (my word for crazy). Well, I'm off to surf the channels once more before forcing myself to go to sleep. Goodnight all!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Weekend Wrap Up...
It has been a busy weekend, and I must admit that I haven't had time to do much stitching. I actually spent an hour or so doing a bit of frogging on "Lovebird", because I was one stitch off from almost the beginning. Anyway, I am basically starting all over again. Once I make some progress, I will post a picture. Sorry to those of you who have been waiting on me for new updates.
We went to the Hershey Theatre last night for the last picture in this year's classic film series. They showed "From Here To Eternity" with Burt Lancaster and Montgomery Clift. We arrived at the theatre at 6:15 in order to get good seating, and then the organ concert started at 7. After some music from the 40's, the movie started at 7:30. The children didn't care for the film, but Milsey and I had a very good time. They don't make movies like that anymore! Milsey took me for Greek food before the show, and boy was it yummy. We had Greek salads, Greek-style chicken (Milsey had a gyro) and baklava for dessert. That was probably the last time we will go to Dimitri's before we move in June.
Milsey took the children clothes shopping Saturday and Sunday, and they came home with quite a large amount of new things to wear. Bathing suits, flip flops, shorts and lots of other items perfect for the beach. I will take them shoe shopping at the end of next week and then they will be all set for the summer. How many husbands take their children shopping for clothes? Mine does!
Sunday was a lazy day for me and I didn't change out of my pajamas until nearly four this afternoon. We went out for Indian food and then came home to watch the season finale of Big Brother 9. Well I am going to sign off for now and try to stitch a little so that I will have something to share with all of you tomorrow.
We went to the Hershey Theatre last night for the last picture in this year's classic film series. They showed "From Here To Eternity" with Burt Lancaster and Montgomery Clift. We arrived at the theatre at 6:15 in order to get good seating, and then the organ concert started at 7. After some music from the 40's, the movie started at 7:30. The children didn't care for the film, but Milsey and I had a very good time. They don't make movies like that anymore! Milsey took me for Greek food before the show, and boy was it yummy. We had Greek salads, Greek-style chicken (Milsey had a gyro) and baklava for dessert. That was probably the last time we will go to Dimitri's before we move in June.
Milsey took the children clothes shopping Saturday and Sunday, and they came home with quite a large amount of new things to wear. Bathing suits, flip flops, shorts and lots of other items perfect for the beach. I will take them shoe shopping at the end of next week and then they will be all set for the summer. How many husbands take their children shopping for clothes? Mine does!
Sunday was a lazy day for me and I didn't change out of my pajamas until nearly four this afternoon. We went out for Indian food and then came home to watch the season finale of Big Brother 9. Well I am going to sign off for now and try to stitch a little so that I will have something to share with all of you tomorrow.
Friday, April 25, 2008
What A Day, What A Day...
Last night my husband tried to help me sew the pieces that I made for my tea swap into tuck-a-ways. After several hours, we ended up making more of a mess than anything else. So off I went this morning to my local frame shop hoping that someone might be able to rescue me. Everyone was so helpful, and two hours later I walked out of the shop with both of my pieces framed by me! Actually, I had a lot of help, but I feel so proud of myself. I then realized that I had forgotten to eat lunch, so after a quick trip to a local tea shop for a new gadget, dd and I had a leisurely lunch of salad and gourmet pizza. Later on Milsey took me to the UPS store to ship six (yes six) packages hither and yon. I did however, just realize that I forgot to take pictures of the framed pieces. Here's hoping that my swap mates will send pictures so that I may post my latest finishes.
Last night (after the tuck-a-way debacle) I started on a freebie called Lovebird by Midsummer Night Designs. It's adorable and such fun to stitch. I will post pictures of my progress tomorrow. Well, I'm really tired from my busy day, so I will end this post. Write more later!
Last night (after the tuck-a-way debacle) I started on a freebie called Lovebird by Midsummer Night Designs. It's adorable and such fun to stitch. I will post pictures of my progress tomorrow. Well, I'm really tired from my busy day, so I will end this post. Write more later!
Posted by
4/25/2008 09:08:00 PM
Midsummer Night Designs,
tea swap
Thursday, April 24, 2008
More Stash!
Oh and I was just thinking last night that I am WAY too in to this blogging thing. I am spending more time on the computer than I am stitching. I need to find some sort of balance between the two. Not much going on today, I went to see Jody yesterday and I had my nails done as well as a pedicure. I am so spoiled! We had a great chat over a lunch of greasy burgers and onion rings. Somehow the delivery guy brought us an extra burger and on the takeout box it had the name "Tom" written on it. Who is Tom? Is he still waiting for the delivery guy to bring him his burger? Tom if you are out there and are reading this, I am 'officially" looking for you.
We are starting to think about packing for our move. I am going crazy because we have OFFICIALLY run out of room for all of our "stuff". Milsey says not to worry because we are going to start packing the first week of May and that there is no need to try to organize what will eventually be put into boxes. I am a clean/neat freak and while everything is clean, thanks to our housekeeper Lisa, the clutter is driving me bazooky! It's going to be weird moving from a three bedroom condo to a five bedroom house. What will I do with all of that space? MORE STASH!!! Well that's it for now from me, write more later.
Monday, April 21, 2008
The Hunt Is On...
I've been frantically searching for some Little House Needleworks freebies that I have seen on other people's blogs, but have not really had any luck locating any of them. If you or anyone that you know has any that they might be willing to share, I sure would be grateful. I don't have a LNS located near me, and when I have ordered online, I have never received a LHN freebie. Thanks in advance to anyone who might be able to help!
Friday, April 18, 2008
More Stash!
Some new stash items arrived in the mail this past week and after wrestling with downloading photos to blogger, I am able to show off a little. This piece is Mimi's Tape Measure by Olde Colonial Designs. I've seen this finished, and it really is so much cuter than the picture shows.
My mother bought this project bag for me and I love it! It's so colorful and it holds everything I need for an afternoon of stitching. The cats on the bag are soooo cute.
I saw these thread holders on someone else's blog, and I had to have some. I actually bought two packs of them. I am trying to organize my stash, and I hope that these will help in the thread department.
Isn't this needle holder darling? I had another one like it a couple of years ago but it broke. I was doing a little shopping a few weeks ago and found this one, it's by the same person who made the original one that I had. This one is so bright and colorful.
I bought a new pair of Dovo scissors and I just had to have a fob to match. The scissors are called Ladybug Scissors and of course the fob has ladybugs on it too. Well I'm off to work on my tea swap and a little treat for my ds. I will write more later.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
New Stash...
This fob came in the mail Monday, and I think that it's soooo cute. You can't tell with this picture, but the beads are purple and white and it has a tiny little silver teapot charm on it. I got another one for a new pair of scissors that I bought, but I can't get the pictures uploaded right now. I'm hoping it's a problem with blogger and not my camera. Anyway, the other pictures will have to wait until tomorrow.
I started a new Lizzie Kate piece last night, but I can't say which one because I am stitching it (twice) for an exchange and I don't want to spoil the surprise for my partners. I'm already finished with the first one, and hope to start the second one tomorrow. Post more later.
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Fabric: 28 ct. Lavender Mist Cashel Linen
Threads: WDW and GAST
Started: 4/12/08 - Finished: 4/15/08
This turned out really cute and after Mona finishes it for me, I will post pictures of the finished project. It's always rewarding to finish a project, but I must admit that I get very attached to my work which is probably why I have such a hard time giving things away. Good thing that I don't have to give this one away!
Sunday, April 13, 2008
New Start...
I started Big Girl Panties by Lizzie Kate last night and am about halfway finished with it. I took some pictures of my progress, but will have to wait to post them until sometime next week. DH is working on a mini contract that will basically finance our move in June, and so he is busy with that for the time being. I contacted Mona Bost in Oklahoma about finishing this piece in the same way as the LK model, and she said that she would. Hopefully I will finish this week so that I can send it on to her. I don't know if any of you have seen her work- it's just fantastic.
It was a lazy Sunday and, except for changing into fresh pjs, all I did was stitch. The children are sleeping and the house is quiet except for television. Well, I'm off to continue stitching. Post more later.
It was a lazy Sunday and, except for changing into fresh pjs, all I did was stitch. The children are sleeping and the house is quiet except for television. Well, I'm off to continue stitching. Post more later.
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Here I Sit...
It's almost 2:30 here and dd and ds are fast asleep. My mother always tells me that if I stay up while the children are sleeping, then they are gaining hours on me. In other words, they will be wide awake while I can barely keep my eyes open. Anyway, I can't sleep and I feel rather blucky (combination of blah and yucky). I decided not to starts Mimi's Tape Measure, and have been trying to decide which project to start. I have an entire file cabinet drawer filled with Shepherd's Bush and two file cabinets filled with stash, and yet I cannot find a single project on which to start. Crazy? Of course it is! I've been reading other stitcher's blogs and have found some items that others have finished that I happen to have, and so I have a few ideas. I was on a roll for awhile and have recently finished one piece (Ice Cream Sundae by Country Cottage Needleworks). I am working on Miss Mary Mack by La D Da , and have added a little twist to the project. I will post more later regarding this piece. I will, however, post a pic of the front panel of this project over the weekend.
I'm watching Big Brother After Dark, and it's almost over. So, I guess that I should turn out the light and try to sleep. DH promised to teach me how to upload pictures onto my blog today, so I am very excited. I will post later.
I'm watching Big Brother After Dark, and it's almost over. So, I guess that I should turn out the light and try to sleep. DH promised to teach me how to upload pictures onto my blog today, so I am very excited. I will post later.
Friday, April 11, 2008
Hooray For Me...
Two of my packages arrived in the mail today! The first contained a sterling silver thread cutter, a handmade needle case, some new stitching projects, a Tacky Bob to hold beads, an ort (old raggedy threads) collector, some Mary Engelbreit file folders and a few free patterns. The second package included some thread drops and a fiber hider. I am so excited and will definitely post pictures over the weekend. I still have a few items on the way and can't wait for them to arrive hopefully sometime next week.
DD and I went to the farmer's market today and had lunch, picked up some homemade bread, farm fresh eggs, cupcakes, fruit licorice and some goodies for Milsey. I love to go to the market on Fridays, but I don't get there as often as I would like. Milsey found three markets located close to where we will be moving in June. I will definitely have to pop on over and see what they have to offer in the way of fresh produce and other yummies.
As for my WIP, I'm not happy with the way that it has turned out so I must do a bit of frogging and try a fresh start. I do, however, need my stitching fix so I will start a little project later tonight. My new project is called Mimi's Tape Measure by Olde Colonial Designs. I will post pics when I start making some progress.
I had my nails done today and, as always, Jody made me feel better than I did when I walked in. DD wants to learn how to do nails, so Jody has graciously agreed to teach her next week. I'm so lucky to have her as a friend and I know that I will never find another like her. I only have a handful of appointments with Jo before I leave for Florida, and am sure that it will take forever for me to find someone to cater to me the Queen of Persnickity (sp?). I sure will miss our weekly appointments/chat sessions.
Well, I guess that that's it for me tonight. It's storming much right now and the lightning has set my teeth on edge. Oh well, I guess we can always use the rain and it is springtime after all. Hugs to all who read.
DD and I went to the farmer's market today and had lunch, picked up some homemade bread, farm fresh eggs, cupcakes, fruit licorice and some goodies for Milsey. I love to go to the market on Fridays, but I don't get there as often as I would like. Milsey found three markets located close to where we will be moving in June. I will definitely have to pop on over and see what they have to offer in the way of fresh produce and other yummies.
As for my WIP, I'm not happy with the way that it has turned out so I must do a bit of frogging and try a fresh start. I do, however, need my stitching fix so I will start a little project later tonight. My new project is called Mimi's Tape Measure by Olde Colonial Designs. I will post pics when I start making some progress.
I had my nails done today and, as always, Jody made me feel better than I did when I walked in. DD wants to learn how to do nails, so Jody has graciously agreed to teach her next week. I'm so lucky to have her as a friend and I know that I will never find another like her. I only have a handful of appointments with Jo before I leave for Florida, and am sure that it will take forever for me to find someone to cater to me the Queen of Persnickity (sp?). I sure will miss our weekly appointments/chat sessions.
Well, I guess that that's it for me tonight. It's storming much right now and the lightning has set my teeth on edge. Oh well, I guess we can always use the rain and it is springtime after all. Hugs to all who read.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
I'm so excited!!!
My DH helped me get my blog up and running today. He helped me find the templates that I was looking for, and now I finally have my masterpiece. Took Milsey (that's my nickname for my DH) to the doctor today and are finally getting his diabetes under control, and I must say that I am relieved. I've been so worried about him.
As for me, I'm taking steps to re-open my cross stitch shop in September. I had to close the shop recently due to family illness, and am hoping that, if all goes well, we will re-launch in the fall. It has always been my dream to have a shop of my own, and with some very hard work on my part (and my web guru of a hubby), I will be successful.
I started stitching when I was a child, and I absolutely love everything about it. Stitching has helped me through some very tough times. Right now my favourite designers are Diane Williams of Little House Needleworks, and her daughter Nikki Leeman of Country Cottage Needleworks. I just love their designs and am always excited when new patterns are available. Perhaps tomorrow, I will begin posting pictures of my current WIP Herbal Tea from Little House.
Personally, there aren't any LNS in my neck of the woods. So I am constantly searching the net looking for new treasures, patterns, etc. that I can try. I ordered oodles of new stitching odds and ends to try from one of my favourite internet shops. They haven't arrived yet, so I have been busy bugging the mail order department of said shop in hopes that sheer will and telepathy will hurry along my packages. I will post pics when things arrive.
Some of my favourite things to do are to watch General Hospital (known from this point on as GH), drinking tea with my DD Bonnie, reading Harlequin Blaze books, and my new fave is blogging. I looooove reading other stitcher's blogs, and seeing everyone's WIPs. Well, it's getting late (DS Ethan is asleep and the house is quiet) and Big Brother After Dark is going to start in less than an hour. DD finally received her computer in the mail from the repair guys at HP. She's in heaven and I finally have control of my laptop - yay me! Okay well I will try to post tomorrow with some pictures. goodnight all.
As for me, I'm taking steps to re-open my cross stitch shop in September. I had to close the shop recently due to family illness, and am hoping that, if all goes well, we will re-launch in the fall. It has always been my dream to have a shop of my own, and with some very hard work on my part (and my web guru of a hubby), I will be successful.
I started stitching when I was a child, and I absolutely love everything about it. Stitching has helped me through some very tough times. Right now my favourite designers are Diane Williams of Little House Needleworks, and her daughter Nikki Leeman of Country Cottage Needleworks. I just love their designs and am always excited when new patterns are available. Perhaps tomorrow, I will begin posting pictures of my current WIP Herbal Tea from Little House.
Personally, there aren't any LNS in my neck of the woods. So I am constantly searching the net looking for new treasures, patterns, etc. that I can try. I ordered oodles of new stitching odds and ends to try from one of my favourite internet shops. They haven't arrived yet, so I have been busy bugging the mail order department of said shop in hopes that sheer will and telepathy will hurry along my packages. I will post pics when things arrive.
Some of my favourite things to do are to watch General Hospital (known from this point on as GH), drinking tea with my DD Bonnie, reading Harlequin Blaze books, and my new fave is blogging. I looooove reading other stitcher's blogs, and seeing everyone's WIPs. Well, it's getting late (DS Ethan is asleep and the house is quiet) and Big Brother After Dark is going to start in less than an hour. DD finally received her computer in the mail from the repair guys at HP. She's in heaven and I finally have control of my laptop - yay me! Okay well I will try to post tomorrow with some pictures. goodnight all.
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