I received my Fair and Square squares from my partner Brenda on Saturday. I have been nursing a cold so it has taken a little more time than usual for me to post pictures. She sent a beaded scissor fob that says "hope" at the bottom, a Lizzie Kate pattern entitled "Good Things" and a skein of The Dye Is Cast overdyed floss in the shade Grape Frost. I love all of the treats that she sent. I sent her package out on Monday and am waiting to hear what she thinks of her squares and goodies.

This picture is of the squares that she stitched for me. I think that I am going to make a quilt or a wall hanging out of the squares that I collect from this and future exchanges. I adore everything, thanks Brenda!
We are still on the hunt for a live-in housekeeper/cook. I know that the right person is out there somewhere. Until then, I am wearing myself out trying to take care of everything by myself. I cooked a big meal tonight, which is rare for me because I can't stand in the kitchen for very long. I went and had my hair cut today and a manicure/pedicure. The people at the salon were so friendly and offered a lot of suggestions for places to visit, activities for the 4th of July, and doctors and such. I can't get over how different people are here. Everyone says hello to everyone, and people are just so darn friendly. I love it! On the stitching front, I have to get moving on my HoE Summer Quaker Exchange. I have just the design to stitch picked out, at least I think that I do. I have it narrowed down to two patterns, I just need to make up my mind and soon. My parents came to Jacksonville last weekend, and so, after we had the tires replaced on the van, we spent the rest of the evening with my mother. My father had some business to attend to, and so we ate dinner with my mother alone. They will come out to see the house when we are finished with the decorating. Well, I am tired so I will write more later. Goodnight all.