I am working on a Prairie Schooler ornament for the HoE exchange that I am in. I might post a pic tonight. I have only just started so a pic won't spoil the surprise. Hopefully I will receive some new stash in the mail next week. I ordered the new LHN and CCN patterns and I can't wait to see them up close and personal. Well that's it from me for now. Might post more later.
Thursday, August 28, 2008
Return Exchange Sent
I mailed off my Crazy Exchange return exchange to Ina today. I don't think that she reads my blog so I should be okay with her surprise. I sent seven freebies all kitted up and ready to stitch. Some had overdyed floss and hand-dyed linen. Others had JABC buttons. I also sent a stitched pyn pillow using The Workbasket freebie "Quaker Hedgehog". Along with those goodies, I included three packets of Piecemaker needles in various sizes and some candy-coated chocolate-covered sunflower seeds. I truly hope that she enjoys everything, because I really took into consideration the things that she likes.

I am working on a Prairie Schooler ornament for the HoE exchange that I am in. I might post a pic tonight. I have only just started so a pic won't spoil the surprise. Hopefully I will receive some new stash in the mail next week. I ordered the new LHN and CCN patterns and I can't wait to see them up close and personal. Well that's it from me for now. Might post more later.
I am working on a Prairie Schooler ornament for the HoE exchange that I am in. I might post a pic tonight. I have only just started so a pic won't spoil the surprise. Hopefully I will receive some new stash in the mail next week. I ordered the new LHN and CCN patterns and I can't wait to see them up close and personal. Well that's it from me for now. Might post more later.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
Goodies In The Mail...
Last week I received my HoE Summer Quaker exchange from Jayne Nelson. She sent a strawberry pincushion. Included in the package were two pieces of fabric, a needle minder, and some thread rings. Thanks Jayne, I enjoyed everything very much. Unfortunately, I have been unable to post pics sooner due to intermittent power from Tropical Storm Fay.
We fared well considering the flooding and wind damage some of the other parts of Florida received. We have a lot of debris in the yard that needs removing. The lawn service comes this week so hopefully they can clean up what we missed. Thanks to all who left words of encouragement comments on my blog. I was so nervous, but we are all safe and sound and that's what really matters after all. Ciao!
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Hurricane Fay This Way Comes!
Hurricane Fay is slated to come within fifty miles of Amelia Island and I am FREAKING OUT! My husband says that we will get the eastern half (which is touted as being the worst part) of the storm. Milsey says the storm is supposed to be coming in as a category 1 maybe 2 storm. Normally, I would simply be worried but I am going out of my mind over this one. Here's why: Last week we had a very minor thunderstorm and the power went out for almost nine hours. We are on well water and the pump is powered electrically. Therefore, we were without water. Over that, I will freak out. Yes we can flush the toilet with pool water and with a little foresight, we can fill up the tubs and buckets and wash up and cook and clean with that water. Roughing it for me is a hotel without room service. I don't camp out and I don't want to start now. I know that I sound snobby but I am so not an outdoorsy person. I am dreading this storm and until it is over, I will have a knot in the pit of my stomach. Any words of encouragement will be greatly appreciated. We spent the day stocking up on lanterns, batteries and water. Tomorrow Leslie Anne and I will grocery shop our little hearts out in preparation for what should happen Tuesday or Wednesday. We have gas appliances and a grill, so the eating portion of the program should be a snap.
My father received his blood tests back late last week and everything seems to be okay. His numbers are low (which is good so I'm told) and therefore he should only need to be retested every year. So I feel that a HUGE weight has been lifted off of my chest for the time being. Thanks again to those who have kept my family in their thoughts and prayers over the last few months.
I went to my LNS on Saturday. And I was so disappointed by their selection. I think that they would much rather be a needlepoint/knitting shop. Cross stitch seems to be an afterthought. I guess I will have to be satisfied with ordering from my favourite ONS. I put in a phone order with them over the weekend, so I should be receiving some goodies in the mail over the next few weeks. Promise promise promise to share pics with all of you. I have been so lax with posts and pictures over the summer, but I am sure that you can understand why. I have just been so preoccupied with the move and my father. Well that's all for me! I will try (power permitting) to keep all of you apprised of what is going on weather-wise with the Varnell-Miller family. Ciao!
My father received his blood tests back late last week and everything seems to be okay. His numbers are low (which is good so I'm told) and therefore he should only need to be retested every year. So I feel that a HUGE weight has been lifted off of my chest for the time being. Thanks again to those who have kept my family in their thoughts and prayers over the last few months.
I went to my LNS on Saturday. And I was so disappointed by their selection. I think that they would much rather be a needlepoint/knitting shop. Cross stitch seems to be an afterthought. I guess I will have to be satisfied with ordering from my favourite ONS. I put in a phone order with them over the weekend, so I should be receiving some goodies in the mail over the next few weeks. Promise promise promise to share pics with all of you. I have been so lax with posts and pictures over the summer, but I am sure that you can understand why. I have just been so preoccupied with the move and my father. Well that's all for me! I will try (power permitting) to keep all of you apprised of what is going on weather-wise with the Varnell-Miller family. Ciao!
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Still Here...
Thanks to those who have sent messages asking if I am okay. I am okay and so is my father for the time being. We just received word that the doctor seems to have removed all of the cancer and now we are waiting for some blood tests to come in. For those of you who don't know, my father is a doctor and he practices in Palm Beach. He will be going into semi-retirement and is taking a job with a small practice of other semi-retired doctors in Georgia. He leaves for Georgia after the Labor Day holiday. My mother will stay behind and try to sell their home in Florida.
I have received a ton of stash over the summer, too much to mention. I have been keeping up with all of the new Shepherd's Bush, Lizzie Kate, Country Cottage Needleworks and Little House Needleworks. I have pretty much completed all of my exchange commitments for the summer. I signed up for way too much, but hey it was my first group of exchanges and I was soooo excited. True to form, I have signed up for too many swaps for the fall and Christmas. I like to keep busy, and that I will certainly be come September.
On the home front, all is well in the Miller house. Our live-in Leslie Anne is working out better than expected. We are eating very well and at home 99% of the time. As little as two months ago, we were eating the majority of our meals out. I know that Milsey is thrilled because he HATES to eat out. I on the other hand, LOVE IT! I would eat all of my meals out if I could. It just isn't practical.
School has started at our house, well sort of. We home school our children so we can start when we like. We purchased new Spanish software over the summer and so the children are continuing their language training as we speak. School will be in full swing in the next few weeks.
We have settled into a routine here in Florida. Thanks to some very friendly residents, we have found doctors, dentists, hairstylists, and a nail salon. I have found some nice places to shop and we are generally enjoying ourselves. Well that's about it for me. I promise I will be more consistent with my blogging and keep everyone updated with what's going on around here. Thanks for your patience.
I have received a ton of stash over the summer, too much to mention. I have been keeping up with all of the new Shepherd's Bush, Lizzie Kate, Country Cottage Needleworks and Little House Needleworks. I have pretty much completed all of my exchange commitments for the summer. I signed up for way too much, but hey it was my first group of exchanges and I was soooo excited. True to form, I have signed up for too many swaps for the fall and Christmas. I like to keep busy, and that I will certainly be come September.
On the home front, all is well in the Miller house. Our live-in Leslie Anne is working out better than expected. We are eating very well and at home 99% of the time. As little as two months ago, we were eating the majority of our meals out. I know that Milsey is thrilled because he HATES to eat out. I on the other hand, LOVE IT! I would eat all of my meals out if I could. It just isn't practical.
School has started at our house, well sort of. We home school our children so we can start when we like. We purchased new Spanish software over the summer and so the children are continuing their language training as we speak. School will be in full swing in the next few weeks.
We have settled into a routine here in Florida. Thanks to some very friendly residents, we have found doctors, dentists, hairstylists, and a nail salon. I have found some nice places to shop and we are generally enjoying ourselves. Well that's about it for me. I promise I will be more consistent with my blogging and keep everyone updated with what's going on around here. Thanks for your patience.
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