I have spent the last three days organizing all of my DMC floss. I have at least one of every color and even have five or more of some colors. Anyway, I was ALWAYS purchasing floss because mine was in such a jumble and was a pain to go through when I needed floss for a project. I was spending a fortune on threads and I wanted to use that money in other areas of my stitching addiction. This is a before shot of the container in which I stored all of my threads. I use the word stored very loosely. If you look closely you will see specialty threads tossed in to the mix. I am still trying to figure out a good way to store those. For now I have them in Ziploc bags awaiting further attention.

Now they are all neatly organized and labeled in nuts and bolts storage containers.

It took me three days to label all of the containers with my trusty P-Touch label maker and to sort each of the skeins into their respective drawers. Whew I'm exhausted just thinking of all of the work I did. Thanks to Miss Bonnie for her help with the first batch of threads!
I made pot roast in the crock pot and strawberry napoleons for dessert yummy! Have a great Thursday. I will be back soon because Miss B's piano recital is on Saturday and I simply must share pictures.